How to Haiku

I enjoy writing Japanese-langauge haiku (as well as my poor grasp of Japanese grammer allows), but I have not yet collected all of my reserach into one place.

What the Heck are “kireji” This blog post made mention of a book by Toshiharu Oseko that looks very interesting.

Here’s some links about Classical Japanese: Classical japanese Grammar A Linguist on Classical Japanese Past Suffixes

My Haiku

yuki no kage denki shita matta / kiekeri

shadows of snow under the streetlight danced / and vanished!


We don’t get snow except every few years where I live, so when it does snow, no one wants to be on the road. I was walking home from the train station during a snowstorm and noticed a strange moving pattern on the ground. Looking more carefully, I saw it was the shadows of the snowflakes cast by a streetlamp overhead. Between the fluttering of the snow and the topography of the already-fallen snow, the shadows moved around excitedly. Later, I realized that I couldn’t actually see the snow itself, since it was white-on-white, but I could tell exactly when any given flake hit the ground—its shadow would suddenly disappear.

TODO copy in more of my haiku